COLD: An image of the icy beach at Goadsbarrow taken by Mail Camera Club member Alison Bolt If you would like to see your pictures published in print and online, along with your byline, join The Mail Camera Club Facebook group and submit your images. DRIVE: A picture of the Walney golf course looking like a map of the Lake District because of the rain taken by Mail Camera Club Alan Williamson Please include your name and a brief description of what the picture shows. SMOOCH: Kissing gate on part of Cumbria Way walk taken by Mail Camera Club member Brian McGrevey
THESE are the latest shots taken by The Mail’s talented Camera Club. BLANKET: Wooly sheep hide under a blanket of snow, captured by The Mail Camera Club member John Greenwood If you would like to see your pictures published in print and online, along with your byline, join The Mail Camera Club Facebook group and submit your images. STROLL: A quiet walk down the beach, captured by The Mail Camera Club member Thomas Pearce Please include your name and a brief description of what the picture shows. Alternatively you can contact our reporter on:
OBSERVE: A look across Coniston Water from Brentwood taken by Mail Camera Club member Ann Hawkins This week we are showing some incredible images taken of our amazing corner of the world. FOLLOW: Being led down a path at Cumbria Way taken by Mail Camera Club member Brian Mc If you would like to see your pictures published in print and online, along with your byline, join The Mail Camera Club Facebook group and submit your images. CHANGING: A view from Aldingham as the weather continues to change sent in by Mail Camera Club member Thomas Pearce Please include your name and a brief description of what the picture shows.