Japanese filmmaker Sho Miyake's gentle drama, “All the Long Nights,” opened the 25th Jeonju International Film Festival in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province, on Wednesday. Speaking at a press conference following the screening, Miyake shared his intentions behind the film adaptation of the novel of the same title by Maiko Seo. “I was attracted to the characters in the original story, not because of.
This year’s Jeonju International Film Festival, running May 1 to May 10, will showcase several films on the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster to mark the 10th anniversary of the tragedy that claimed almost 300 lives, most of them high school students on a field trip on April 16, 2014. “The year 2024 marks the 10th year since the Sewol tragedy. Although 10 years have passed, the scars of this disaster have not yet.
Tetsu Maeda’s melodrama about abandoned children and questionable parenting may bring on the waterworks, but the film’s underlying message doesn’t inspire much hope.