Uber Eats offer the widest late night delivery coverage in Japan. To drive awareness of this unique service and boost the brand’s popularity, it has partnered with Special Australia to create “QR PJs”.
Uber Eats offer the widest late night delivery coverage in Japan. To drive awareness of this unique service and boost the brand’s popularity, it has partnered with Special Australia to create “QR PJs”.
SPECIAL REPORT: How bandits terrorised Kagara for years before students abduction
The only commercial bank in Kagara was shut down since September 2, 2020 when it was raided by bandits who carted away the cash they found in the vaults. 7 min read
Ahmad Abubakar narrowly escaped being killed on his farm in Madaka, near Kagara, in 2020. The retired secondary school teacher resides in Kagara, the headquarters of Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State, where 42 persons, including 27 schoolboys, were abducted from Government Science College on February 17.
The year before Mr Abubakar’s encounter with bandits, they had killed his younger brother along the Kaduna-Kagara road.