Hanoi advised to follow Japan’s urban railway model Chia sẻ | FaceBookTwitter Email Copy Link Copy link bài viết thành công
16/05/2021 09:05 GMT+7
The Tokyo-Tshukoba urban railway line was funded by converting land in 18 projects along the route. The land price in these areas soared from $1 per square meter to $5,000.
The number of passengers in rush hours by 2030 on Nhon - Hanoi Station - Hoang Mai Line as predicted by Systra in 2008 and proposal by City Solution
In 1890, Société foncière de l’Indochine set up a tramcar company in Vietnam. In 1900, the tramcar ran the first four kilometers from Bo Ho to Thuy Khue. By 1930, the company had six tramcar lines with a total length of 26 kilometers.