Parag Shah, the head of Mahindra & Mahindra s venture capital arm Mahindra Partners, has resigned from his position after spending two decades with the company. The move comes as the company shifts its focus towards consolidating existing businesses and reducing investments through the arm. Shah oversaw the growth of various new businesses within the group and led investments in external firms. He is now reportedly setting up his own venture.
Parag Shah, the head of Mahindra & Mahindra s venture capital arm Mahindra Partners, has resigned from his position after spending two decades with the company. The move comes as the company shifts its focus towards consolidating existing businesses and reducing investments through the arm. Shah oversaw the growth of various new businesses within the group and led investments in external firms. He is now reportedly setting up his own venture.
Health Care At Home India Pvt. Ltd (HCAH), an out-of-hospital healthcare provider, has acquired Nightingales Home Health Services, a specialty home healthcare service provider, in ..
Analysts think it is an affirmation of PE interest in green energy; could be a precursor to the company going public, with Adani Green Energy being the largest in terms of value.