Introducing NRP: Accelerating Science with Bold National Research Platform
July 15, 2021
July 15, 2021 The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) located at UC San Diego has heeded the National Science Foundation’s call for a cyberinfrastructure ecosystem that meets the needs of today’s data-intensive science. Proposed as the Prototype National Research Platform (NRP), the innovative, all-in-one system computing resources, research and education networks, edge computing devices and other instruments is a testbed for science drivers as diverse as the platform itself to expedite science and enable transformative discoveries.
For this first-of-its-kind resource, the NSF awarded SDSC $5 million over five years, with matched funding for systems operation. The award will support hardware and deployment across three facilities: on the East Coast at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) in Mount Holyoke, Mass.; in the Midwest at the University of Nebraska