The police rescued Chakradhar Daimary, a villager of Oujuli-Rangagora village along the Assam-Arunachal border area under Chariduar police station, from the clutch of some witch-hunters.
Express News Service
GUWAHATI: Just days after a BJP-led coalition had grabbed power in Assam’s autonomous Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC), the Gauhati High Court issued an order asking the council to maintain “status quo” on its administrative works.
The order, passed by the single-judge bench of Justice Suman Shyam on Friday, comes at a time when the newly-elected council members are yet to begin discharging duties. The next hearing on the case has been fixed for December 22.
Earlier, former BTC chief, Hagrama Mohilary, who is also the president of Bodoland People’s Front (BPF) and some of his party colleagues had filed a writ petition in the court challenging the constitutional validity of the appointment of the council’s Chief Executive Member (CEM) and other members.