The West Bengal CID conducted a raid at the residence of one of the three arrested Jharkhand MLAs in connection with its probe into the cash seizure case, and recovered Rs 5 lakh in cash and an SUV, a senior officer of the agency said.
The West Bengal CID on Wednesday conducted a raid at the residence of one of the three arrested Jharkhand MLAs in connection with the probe into the cash seizure case and recovered Rs 5 lakh and an SUV from there, a senior officer of the agency said.
The three Congress MLAs from Jharkhand, nabbed with a huge amount of cash from West Bengal last week, on Friday approached a division bench of the Calcutta High Court against an earlier order by a single-judge bench rejecting their plea for .
The crime investigating agency earlier claimed that the cash seized from the three MLAs was delivered to them by a Calcutta-based businessman through hawala