TRIBUTE | Vishnu Padayachee: A formidable and enigmatic intellectual
09 Jun 2021, 20:11 GMT+10
Much has been and will be written about the formidable and enigmatic former Reserve Bank board member, the late Professor MahaVishnu Padayachee. Vishnu held senior academic positions at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and more recently at Wits University, with several national and international academic honours and appointments.
However, when I think about Vishnu, the University of Durban-Westville (UDW) looms large. It was where he travelled to daily from Umkomaas. He arrived at UDW when it was a racially ghettoised institution and played a role in its transformation in the early 1990s into an embryonic people s university.
The Rhodes University community was saddened by the news of the passing of one of its honorary doctorate recipients, Professor Mahavishnu Padayachee over the weekend. Professor Padayachee was an economist and scholar. In 2018, Rhodes University confe