Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray, expressed concern over the poor condition of roads in the state of Maharashtra. He said that unless the peoples frustration reflects during elections, things won t change. The MNS has been actively raising the issue of potholes and bad roads in the state. Thackeray suggested that people should not vote on the basis of caste or religion but rather for a better infrastructure that could make their lives easier and more comfortable.
Addressing party workers at MNS's Nirdhar rally in Panvel wherein Raj called for an agitation against the incomplete work at Mumbai-Goa Highway for nearly two decades, he said that "it has been 16-17 years since the Mumbai-Goa Highway was being constructed, but was yet to be completed."
According to the officials, as many as 2.70 lakh vials of Remdesivir injections were procured by the health department for Pune district since the outbreak of Covid-19. Out of this stock, as many as 1.56 lakh vials were utilised while the remaining 1.13 lakh vials got wasted in three years’ time