Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Tuesday said the Centre has decided to purchase two lakh metric tonnes of onion at the rate of Rs 2,410 per quintal, and expressed hope this will provide relief to producers of the key kitchen staple in the state. Modi Government to Buy 2 Lakh Metric Tonnes Onion at Rs 2,410 Per Quintal to Help Onion Growers in Maharashtra: Devendra Fadnavis.
The deputy CM also said that the government has also decided to appoint Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) as the nodal agency to curb the distribution of the banned drugs.
In an interview with ANI Editor Smita Prakash which was recorded on June 29 before the crisis in the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Fadnavis hit out at the dynastic politics and said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lessened its impact in national politics. Sharad Pawar Has Put Supriya Sule in Forefront To Transfer His Legacy, He Is Driver of Opposition Unity, Says Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis.
Fadnavis and CM Shinde and many state ministers were present in Ahmednagar to attend an event on the death anniversary of Ahilyabai Holkar, the Holkar Queen of the Maratha Malwa kingdom who is known for building temples and 'dharamashalas' (public rest houses), throughout India