Earlier, ASHA workers used to get Rs 6,500 a month. Now, they will get Rs 8,000. In addition to that, they get Rs 200-Rs 3,000 in lieu of 56 activities they work on, said Sawant during the Question HourEarlier, ASHA workers used to get Rs 6,500 a month. Now, they will get Rs 8,000. In addition to that, they get Rs 200-Rs 3,000 in lieu of 56 activities they work on, said Health Minister Tanaji Sawant during the Question Hour
Atul Bhatkhalkar from BJP raised the issue of breach of privilege. He is the one who has given notice against Raut. In this case, we must see that Bhatkhalkar won't be there in committee, Ajit Pawar said.
Maharashtra Budget Session: Sanjay Raut, leader of the Thackeray Sena, faces a breach of privilege motion for calling the state legislature a house of thieves. BJP and Shinde Sena members demanded his immediate arrest
“We have learnt to adjust,” one of them said on condition of anonymity. Apart from policemen from nearby Cuffe Parade, Marine Drive and Colaba police stations, cops from other police stations like Byculla, Bhandup and Jogeshwari are also posted in the vicinity of Vidhan Bhavan.