/PRNewswire/ Deloitte today announced the expansion of the Deloitte Cloud Institute fellowship program with the appointment of Vasudeva Varma. Varma is a.
When Mahadev Satyanarayanan, group professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and an expert in edge computing, needed a network to test his edge computing applications, he knew he wanted something that was low in latency, reliable and not susceptible to any performance degradation.
Satyanarayanan turned to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Federated Wireless for help, and the university decided to deploy an LTE private wireless network using Citizens Broadband Radio Services General Authorized Access (GAA) 3.5GHz spectrum.
Although Carnegie Mellon has a Wi-Fi network, Satyanarayanan said it was important for his lab to use a reliable network that could handle a heavy traffic load without slowing down, something that Wi-Fi doesn t do very well. And he wanted a network that could be managed from end-to-end. We were very interested in exploring edge-native use cases on the campus and we wanted to create a test bed so we could do head-to-head comparisons of real use cas