ED files fresh charge sheet in Mahadev betting app money laundering case, names 25 individuals and entities as accused, including high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats from Chhattisgarh. Girish Talreja and Suraj Chokhani among those named. Court to take cognisance on May 4. Case involves illegal operations of Lotus365 , a sister concern of Mahadev Online Book (MOB) app. ED alleges involvement of various high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats from Chhattisgarh. Projected proceeds of crime around Rs 6,000 crore.
The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday filed a fresh charge sheet in the Mahadev betting app-linked money laundering case, in which various high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats from Chhattisgarh are alleged to have been involved.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday filed a fresh charge sheet in the Mahadev betting app-linked money laundering case, in which various high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats from Chhattisgarh are alleged to have been involved. India News | ED Files Fresh Charge Sheet in Mahadev App Case, Names 25 Accused.