They say dancing is the closest thing to magic and this sentiment was vividly expressed by the 12 couples who tripped the light fantastic before a 900 strong audience at Castlemagner Strictly Come Dancing in the Charleville Park Hotel last Saturday night
They say dancing is the closest thing to magic and this sentiment was vividly expressed by the 12 couples who tripped the light fantastic before a 900 strong audience at Castlemagner Strictly Come Dancing in the Charleville Park Hotel last Saturday night
AN TAOISEACH, Leo Varadkar TD, will attend and speak at the 175th Thomas Francis Meagher Tricolour Celebration in Waterford at noon today (Sunday), March 5. Mr.
Irish GP surgery helping people with albinism in Malawi
People with albinism risk kidnapping and murder there, due to locally held beliefs that their body parts can be used in potions and charms by witch doctors
Dr Mark Wheeler working in one of the clinics in Malawi, training a local dermatology officer, Sphiwe Mankhwala. Picture: Harry Freeland.
Sat, 06 Mar, 2021 - 06:30
Aine Kenny An Irish GP surgery is helping people with albinism in Malawi, as they face not only health issues but are also in danger of being kidnapped and murdered for their body parts.
Dr Mark Wheeler, of Edenpark GP surgery in Raheny in Dublin, works with people who have albinism in Malawi. The GP, along with his wife, set up a skin cancer prevention programme back in 2016. They were also aided by local campaigners and clinicians.