Butter Together: A roast recipe to convert your favorite roast-rejecter
By Amelia Plair/Special to The Dispatch 4 hours ago This roast is seared and pressure or slow cooked to tender perfection. iStockphoto.com
Amelia Plair
My husband thinks he doesn’t like roast.
And, just like generations of my foremothers, I have set myself a quest to help him realize he likes roast. And specifically that he likes my roast.
We have been married for seven years. I have been on the quest for about six of those years. (I was nicer the first year. I had to make sure he was in deep before I started getting crazy.)
Butter Together: Fishing for a crowd pleaser? Try these tacos.
By Amelia Plair/Special to The Dispatch May 26, 2021 Fish tacos are a simple, popular, delicious and healthy entree. iStockphoto.com
Amelia Plair
I hate fish.
I admit it. There’s nothing wrong with it, exactly. It’s just that it tastes … like fish. I know, I know. It’s just that I much prefer other meats, which all taste like chicken.
But I recently found myself cooking a meal for a friend and her family. Her daughter is pescatarian, which my carnivorous self soon discovered meant she eats no meat except fish.