A 40-year-old Indonesian maid was sentenced to serve eight months’ jail for stealing jewellery from her employer. Despite pleading guilty at the first opportunity on Thursday, Magistrate Nur Eleana binti Dato Seri Paduka Haji Hairol Arni saw the aggravation in Nia Kurniawati’s actions causing inconvenience to her employer in the search for the jewellery which […]
Fadley Faisal The Magistrate’s Court yesterday ordered a local to settle a BND130,600 fine for having in possession 20,704 sticks of cigarettes. Omar @ Yaakub bin Radang, 61, would have to serve 21 months’ jail in default of payment after he pleaded guilty to possession of cigarettes with import duty worth BND13,052. The Customs prosecutor […]
Fadley Faisal A local caretaker was sentenced to a year’s jail by the Magistrate’s Court on Thursday after a trial on a charge of stealing from his employer. Muhammad Adiy Osmera bin Abdullah @ ED Osmera bin Tikus, 48, was found guilty of the charge and convicted by Magistrate Nur Eleana binti Dato Seri Paduka […]
Fadley Faisal A 43-year-old man was indicted in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday with a charge of outraging the modesty of his teenage daughter. DPP Nurul Fitri binti Kiprawi told court that the Women and Children Abuse Investigation Unit, Criminal Investigation Department of the Royal Brunei Police Force, needs to complete investigations on tracking two more […]
Fadley Faisal The Magistrate’s Court on Saturday sentenced a former imam to jail for three months after he was found guilty of misappropriating money from a mosque’s donation box. Haji Sufri bin Haji Mega, 51, formerly an imam and chairman of the mosque takmir committee, had initially denied the charge. He was found guilty by […]