An article published in Communications Physics discussed partially filled states of flat-band structures induced by thermodynamically stable corrugation of the graphene bilayer via an interlayer twist.
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A material-keyboard made of graphene
Researchers at ETH Zurich have succeeded in turning specially prepared graphene flakes either into insulators or into superconductors by applying an electric voltage. This technique even works locally, meaning that in the same graphene flake regions with completely different physical properties can be realized side by side.
The material keyboard realized by the ETH Zurich researchers. By applying electric voltages (“keys”) at different points, the magic-angle graphene can become locally superconducting (electron pairs) or isolating (barrier on the right). (Picture: ETH Zurich / F. de Vries)
The production of modern electronic components requires materials with very diverse properties. There are isolators, for instance, which do not conduct electric current, and superconductors which transport it without any losses. To obtain a particular functionality of a component one usually has to join several such materials together. Often t