All of those victims whom we let down all of those victims whom we let down so all of those victims whom we let down so badly. Maggie oliver who is a victims campaginer spoke about how changes still needed to be made. This report talks about the past, but what i want to do is to bring it from the past and into the present and into the future because my work in the mau Maggie Oliver foundation now means i have current information about what is going on today. I would say categorically, and i am sorry, mrwatson, but the would say categorically, and i am sorry, mr watson, but the failures that happened then are still happening now. We have more communication, for sure, but we do not have a system that supports victims, that listens to their voices. Leader of rochdale borough council, Cllr Neil Emmott spoke as well. And we will go live
Heritage sexually abusing children in the town and say that basically from then on, the Police Investigation up to 2012, 2013 that this report looks at, never really got to the crux of the problem, that the investigations were shut down early, they were under resourced and there was a strategic failure at both rochdale council and by greater manchester police. So there were failings, yes, by the detectives investigating those cases but also there was a more systemic failure by those at the very top of both the police and the council, in terms of how they dealt with this issue and what prominence they gave to it. In fact, we heard from sara rowbotham, the leader of that sexual health clinic, saying how she was disbelieved and sort of disparaged when she tried to bring those complaints forward, raised those issues, and she had Apologies Today but this clearly had a very significant impact on her life and on that of maggie oliver, who you