The money raised will support programs that Newport-Mesa Unified School District no longer funds, according to foundation officials, including college and career guidance, workshops and fairs, fine arts, mental health and student wellness.
Remembering the man who brought the Beatles and the Bee Gees to the Borders by Loudon Temple A SCOT who brought some of the biggest names in pop and rock north of the Border, is to be honoured as “Scotland’s first impresario,” over fifty years after he died. The MacArts Centre in Galashiels has already been set up in the memory of Duncan Mackinnon – a legendary character who dedicated his life to keeping teenagers happy in the rock n roll era and Swinging Sixties. He had served with the 5th Btn KOSB, surviving some of the most intensive action that took place in World War II, and was determined to make a success of his life.