organizations that serve dedicated populations, we really want our whole system to be able to surerve clients anywhere they show up. we also place a value on training, as well as actually hiring culturally competent staff. when we first had our contract with open house, we sent letters to all of our contractors to strongly encourage them to do this. the idea was to see what would come from that. if we did not get everybody, then we would do something else. we were pleasantly surprised at the number of organizations that signed on to the training and you asked for further training, and that includes organizations that we thought, given the history, probably would not do that. i think, as seth says, the demand has been there. supervisor campos: i think that is wonderful. i think we should do more than just strong liking courage, and we should require people to provide that if they re going to get city funding, and also check with the people who are benefiting from the service
of those. we are committed to training. aside from dedicated funding for organizations that serve dedicated populations, we really want our whole system to be able to surerve clients anywhere they show up. we also place a value on training, as well as actually hiring culturally competent staff. when we first had our contract with open house, we sent letters to all of our contractors to strongly encourage them to do this. the idea was to see what would come from that. if we did not get everybody, then we would do something else. we were pleasantly surprised at the number of organizations that signed on to the training and you asked for further training, and that includes organizations that we thought, given the history, probably would not do that. i think, as seth says, the demand has been there. supervisor campos: i think that is wonderful. i think we should do more than just strong liking courage, and we should require people to provide that if they re going to get city fu
center, the lgbt committee partnership, a critical thing for housing and service providers to discuss how better to serve these populations. we are building that infrastructure that is critically important for this growing population. in these very challenging economic times, it seems timely and appropriate to focus on the need of this particularly vulnerable population and how we can work together to meet the needs being raised here today. lgbt seniors are adaptive, resilient, some of the strongest people i have ever met, but our community faces. and take challenges and obstacles, and i look forward to working with the supervisors and the human rights commission and how we could put these resources together to confront all of these challenges. thank you. supervisor farrell: ok, so our final two presenters. the director of adult mental- health at the department of public works, and daniel rudman from the national center of lusby legal rights issues. they will each have three