The murder
The President of the Republic: A very deep wound in the soul of all Italians
It was January 25, 2016, exactly five years ago, when Giulio Regeni sent his last text message from Egypt at 7.41pm. Nothing more would be known of him until February 3, when the tortured body was found on a road between Cairo and Alexandria. Five years after that message, the truth about the assassination of the Friulian researcher is still far away, despite the work of the judiciary and the commitment of the Italian government.
THE CASE IN EUROPE - Today the case will be discussed in the EU Foreign Council, and Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio will speak about it via videoconference. European ministers could decide to take other steps.
Trial requested for 4 Egyptian spies over Regeni murder
Friuli-born Cambridge student tortured to death in early 2016
20 Gennaio 2021
ROME, JAN 20 - Rome prosecutors on Wednesday
requested that four Egyptian intelligence-service officials be
sent to trial for the 2016 abduction, torture and murder of
Italian student Giulio Regeni in Egypt.
General Tariq Sabir and three subordinates, Athar Kamel Mohamed
Ibrahim, Uhsam Helmi, and Magdi Ibrahim Abdelal Sharif, are
accused of crimes that range from aggravated involvement in
homicide to kidnapping and grevious bodily harm.
Rome prosecutors say that Regeni was tortured for days,
resulting in acute physical suffering by being subjected to
kicks, punches, beaten with sticks and bats and cut with sharp
Rome slams Egypt s clearing of Regeni murder spies
Cairo PG rejection of Italy trial unacceptable says foreign min
31 Dicembre 2020
ROME, DEC 31 - Italy has rejected Egypt s clearing
of four Egyptian intelligence officers in the 2016 abduction,
torture and murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni as unacceptable .
The foreign ministry said it deemed unacceptable Egyptian
Prosecutor General Hamada El-Sawy s assertion that the case was
unsolved, the suspects had yet to be identified, and the
expected trial in Italy of the four spies was unjustified .
The foreign ministry reiterated it had full confidence in the
work of the Italian judiciary and said that it will continue
Egypt says Regeni suspects still to be ID d
Rejects Rome s identification of four Cairo spies
30 Dicembre 2020
CAIRO, DEC 30 - Egypt s prosecutor general on
Wednesday said those suspected of abducting, torturing and
murdering Italian student Giulio Regeni in 2016 had yet to be
identified despite the completion of an Italian probe into four
Egyptian intelligence officers. Those responsible remain unknown, said a statement from the
PG s office.
It said the prosecutor, Hamada al Sawi, had instructed police to
keep looking for suspects.
Rome prosecutors said December 10 they
were ready to file charges against four Egyptian intelligence
service members for Regeni s murder.
The prosecutors sent notification of the closure of the probe to