/PRNewswire/ Cure®, a healthcare innovation campus in New York City, will open and host key events of the Science Summit at the 78th United Nations General.
Patrick Brown, the co-director of climate and energy at the Breakthrough Institute in California, has blown the whistle on an open secret about climate science: it’s biased in favour of alarmism. He published a paper in Nature magazine on the effect of climate change on wildfires. In it he told the truth: there was an effect. But not the whole truth: other factors play a big role in fires too. On Maui, the failure of the electric utility to manage vegetation along power lines was a probable caus
"A climate scientist ignited controversy Tuesday when he claimed that he withheld key details of his wildfire research to fit “preapproved narratives” on climate risks in order to be published in one of the world’s most esteemed science publications."
The journal Nature rebuked researcher Patrick Brown for claiming that prestigious publications only accept articles that exaggerate the effects of climate