would have foundun the solution and helped him cure his sickness. helped him cure his sickness. you ve heard about it int it the media. ning in we have to t acknowledge thatdo. there is so much more happening in the world than donaldut the a ,but the first stedmp to healing is admitting it. i am m trump addict. before it s too late, my wife and i, we find ourselves our pillow talk is sometimes about trump. terrible. that s right.trump. it i it is terrible. but now there s hope.t now tr thanks te o the brian stelter institute for the trump addicted, we understand i the need for a saf trump e space to talk about your unhealthy obsession with the president . i stay ualp all night waiting ti see what trump s going to tweet next. i haven t slept in fouth r hundred eighty three days. mr. gennaro, wha t abou what you? you know, i watch these trump rallies on tv. it just seems muchon more fun.ty they have angrier. i get upset. well, the good news is this con is not a real medical con
got murdered a. cod then comparing it to mpyour favorite, brian stelter,s because you don t like them. yeah, brian stelter has donet m nothing like that. and everyone knows he s a horrible artist. so this is they s same thin hig. he didn t list one thing that president trump did besideshe d win. he didn list ot list one thing t he did to even get close to bine laden. you he list all of bin stu on d ,he said. guest atou were a dinner guests at his house, he was phenomenal . i mean, like bin laden would kill sam harris and his family l without thinking. no.y without thinkingas soon as you d say it s over.er. g as soon as he heard that voice . hello, i m here, mr. bin.. and it it it s like thisen reminds me, jim , when i was inc college, a girl toldol med me back into the nineties, but she said that she would rather get in a subway with a gang, a murderous gang sub, than with ronald reagan. and it s like they have to it s like the lie that they have toul tell themselves.
amazing. it was so upbeat. at least he didn t say maga. republicans, maga republicans do not respect the constitution. maga forcerespect ths extreme mr republicans. the extreme magg ideology. magarytreme ma republicans are s republicans look at america and see carnage in darkness and despair. carnage, darkness and despair. but enough about liberal run cae cities. . that was easy. that was but imagine if you replaced maga republicans with china orn russia. then what a landmark speech in foreign policy this would be . it would be a call to armscall t against an evil empire. except hermse. empire who s the evil empire? it s us .it s i wonder, as he stands here
0 laura for letting me sit in her chair and the incredible angle crew, they are the hardest working groups of producers anywhere. prx hold it and sam fo all together. thereial they are.thanalisa, and special thanks to lisa. jessic a, roman , gabby, shannon, andrew and especially david cast to put together my gulf adventure. could not have done it without you ale donel. on thank you all for being i with me. i m raymond arroyo, in for laura ingraham. gutfeld . nexr lat. getting weirder and weirder. crazy happy friday., my my friday friends. s so so that was some speech last night. am i right? am i think we have a clip. amazing. it was so upbeat. at least he didn t say maga. republicans, maga republicans do not respect the constitution. maga forcerespect ths extreme mr republicans. the extreme magg ideology. magarytreme ma republicans are s republicans look at america and see carnage in darkness and despair. carnage, darkness and despair. but enough about liberal run cae citie