vice president of the time.e dick cheney. now, you got caught up, even though you didn t write about it, and the grand jury said to you, okay, did anybody talk to you about valerie plame, that was the question? i couldn t appear before the grand jury, the judges said dobo you have to talk to the grand jury and i said i can t. bill: you didn t go in? you refused to sit before the grand jury. that is why you got sentenced to jail.. contempt of the process. why didn t you just said before the grand jury and say, i can t tell you?? why didn t you do that? c i didn t want to mislead them into thinking they were going to hear something. bill: you were saving them money. [laughs]le right. g bill: you were in jail, people are respecting you,ou sources need to be protected, what are you thinking about the system? were you thinking that you are a victim of a system?
adoption rate in those homes when it comes to broadband. so if we are really serious about the african-american community closing the education gap, closing the income gap, then we have got to carry programs into these rural communities. i ve been fighting for it ever since i ve been here. if you look in the recovery act, you will see that i ve inserted a formula in that act called 10-20-30. it was put into four parts of the ag bill that we had. sir, let me ask you this, because donald trump has met with all these african-american people so they can celebrate african-american history month. he billed this as a listening session. did he reach out to you at all to attend this meeting? oh, no, i don t see any african-americans there who are in government. armstrong williams i know very
cables. well, when it is all right out there, i guess you have a point there. quickly, guys, we ll get to mr. trump s cabinet. heard from phil keating he was finishing up the last two appointments today possibly before christmas and the two appointments left are agriculture secretary and then also the secretary of the veteran affairs administration. and you ve been hard on mr. trump, whether in this segment or before, how do you feel about his cabinet now? well, i mean, look, i m going to say general mattis, is unquestionably the best choice possible. we have energy secretary, rick perry has a terrible track record when he was governor of texas. i mean, look, agriculture, the republicans have attacked the ag bill and the way we sub sizid things like food stamps and i have attacked the way we subsidize the big ag and maybe we could come together and reform both of those. and if you look at betsy
solution here. it s a situation akin to the tail wagging of the dog because they are definitely a minority, but they re very vocal minority. so the larger gop is being held hostage to them. what i think is important to remember right now, we re in this unique situation because this border crisis is happening simultaneously. pretty much, you know, immigration reform is dead legislatively. however, it s still going to go on because the next phase is that it will move to the white house where president obama is going to take executive action, which will enflame the tea party republicans even more. right now we re seeing all around the country the states are taking action on their own. 11 states now give driver s licenses to undocumented immigrants. new york is experimenting with a new bill providing for something called state citizenship to deal with the problem. also, all these young activists and the coalition of people who have been pushing for reform, they recognize that it s not ha
at the richmond times dispatch. he s been doing essential reporting on this issue. i m hoping you could just start by bringing us up to speed and helping us understand why republicans felt it would be important to get this budget in on father s day. the less time the governor had to review the budget, in particular the freshly implemented obstacles to medicaid expansion, specifically obstacles that would prevent the governor from acting unilaterally by executive action, the less time he had to reconsider them, the less time he had to veto them. the greater the pressure on the governor to turn around the bill. he lost essentially two days because of this father s day drive-by. and yet, jeff, he was still able to use a line item veto on the budget to get rid of the provisions that would prevent him from going forward with medicaid expansion on his own.