in 2008, as you describe it, that you found evidence that your husband been cheating. you showed up at a hotel and found him with another woman. was there any warning signs and did you have any sense that he was leading this sort of double life? as far as our relationship, there was no arguing or any talk of splitting or anything like that. in fact we had a 4-month-old baby at the time and a 22-month-old. just increase in business trips and i got suspicious because he had said he was going to china but left the passport at home. he said he was going to china and said he was there and the passport was still at the home. you later went online and you ultimately found pictures of him with another woman having another marriage, another mafai tale, not too dissimilar from your own. can you explain your gut reaction when you finally saw those? initially i was just shocked and hurt and a mared edmarred i