Native Hawaiian Library Services and Native American Library Services Enhancement grants are now available; the deadline for submitting applications for either grant is April 1, 2022.
Native American, Native Hawaiian Library Services Grants Now Available
March 11, 2021
Application Deadlines are May 11, 2021
Washington, DC The Institute of Museum and Library Services is now accepting applications for Native Hawaiian Library Services and Native American Library Services Enhancement grants. The deadline for submitting applications for either grant is May 11, 2021.
Native Hawaiian Library Services grants are available to nonprofit organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians. These grants, awarded in amounts of up to $150,000 for two years, are designed to enhance existing library services or implement new ones.
Native American Library Services Enhancement grants advance the programs and services of eligible Indian tribes, including Alaska Native villages, regional corporations, and village corporations. They are competitive grants of up to $150,000 for two years and are available to any tribe, village, corporation, or regional corporation th