It was on Saturdays, in the basement of a small townhouse near her childhood home, that Nancy Abudu got her first lessons in the power of standing up for her
Jodie Turner-Smith opened up about how raising her biracial daughter has given her space to heal from experiences with colorism. Being a dark-skinned woman, her reality in the world will be notably different from that of her daughter’s, and she knows it. In conversation with Elle Magazine , the British actress shared some realities that may resonate with many across the diaspora. As much as colorism has weaved its way into cultures everywhere, dark-skinned Black women are often on the harshest receiving end of it. Colorism seems to be inescapable, and it takes a lot of inner work to navigate that. Turner-Smith is working through this herself, while thinking about raising her mixed-race daughter. “She’s going to be walking through the world not only having an experience that I did not have, but looking like people that, in a way, I’d always felt a little bit tormented by,’ she shared in the ELLE interview. She said that raising her daughter will offer the opportunity to heal h