Investigators cant say definitively if sex trafficking was involved. But its worth looking into. Redding mom Sherri Papini vanished while jogging a month ago. 22 days later, she was found on the side of the road in yolo county on thanksgiving. Her long blond hair was cut off, she was battered and she was branded with some kind of message. Authorities also say they have no concrete information about the possibility that a cartel or sex trafficking ring could be involved, but victim advocates say they believe that is certainly a possibility. When they heard that she was branded, that she had gotten branded, the first thing that came to our mind is she was prey. Its been going on in oakland where they just drive by and just literally throw you in the car. She is an advocate for sex trafficking victims in oakland. She says sex traffickers often brand, tattoo or otherwise mark their victims. Sex trafficking is what many call modern day slavery. Papinis husband said she had scabs, bruises, a
Work for decades. And i just really want to honor her life and im excited about the opening of affordable Senior Housing in the tenderloin in her name. Its not always that you get to see your own naming before you pass, and im really glad that her and her family got to see how important her life and achievements have been before she left us. I think it was a huge shock for so many of us to know we wont be seeing her any more, or i wont be seeing her in her office, as she holds me accountable and she always, always held me accountable to the needs of our constituents. So, rest in peace, rest in power, vera. Much honor to you and your family. Thank you, supervisor kim. Supervisor yee. I submit. Supervisor avalos. Okay. Supervisor campos . Thank you. Thank you very much. And i want to thank supervisor mar again, and also want to thank supervisor wiener for introducing the item on the prohibition on gay men and sort of the donation of blood, getting blood from members of the Gay Community
Stop center, because of the ability to add Additional Department of public works positions where these folks who have maybe a criminal background record or maybe have some challenges in their past, they will be able to move into potential job positions through a Training Program so that they do have city Employment Opportunities so that they can take care of themselves, their families, and hopefully their communities. So, ultimately as supervisor, this is what i set out to do, to change lives, to provide opportunity, to make sure that many of our forgotten residents are not forgotten. And i know some of you here feel the same way. There are some tradeoffs when dealing with a budget of this magnitude, and im the kind of person who wants everything that i want, but i also realize dont shake your head, supervisor. I gave up a lot. But we all did. Its a compromise, and im hoping next year that we have a fair and balanced process like we did this year. Im really happy about a lot of the gai
Nevertheless went into our budget season 66 million in the hole and so we still have to make difficult decisions. But excited about where we came out. You know, the mayors budget of 8. 6 billion focus on a lot of things and i think he prioritized a lot of great things in his budget. He mentioned just earlier during this Board Meeting 94 million towards affordable housing, 2 million to rehab the s. F. Housing authority units that i think are an incredibly big deal. Investments in our public infrastructure, continued our Public Safety hiring plan, and numerous other things and item that and priorities i think a number of us or most of us would agree have been tremendous. I do want to thank the mayors team in particular, kate howard, the mayors budget director and her entire staff and certainly Ben Rosenfield our controller who played such an integral role in our budget process, we wouldntible able to get this done. [speaker not understood] our work began in march as always, and met with
Are also providing outreach to provider and the public regarding prep. There is within the community being completely honest about where the discussion is, there is within the community a fear that prep will lead to decreased condom usage, that somehow by making prep available people will engage in less safe sex. But lets be honest, right or wrong, for many people gay and straight, there are already many people gay and straight who are simply not using condomseses for a lot of different reasons. It is simply not, in my view, anyones place to judge why that is. It is simply a fact of life. Instead of [speaker not understood], we need to acknowledge that it is happening and we as a Public Health precaution need to take every step possible to make sure that we protect every individual. And that to the extent that prep can be lifesaving, we have an obligation to make it readily available to this community. Prep is an important tool to prevent infection that is meant to supplement, not sub