We know for a fact there will be a historic total solar eclipse that will cross Missouri and Illinois during the afternoon on April 8, 2024. What we don't know for sure is whether it will be cloudy or sunny. There is now an official forecast from meteorologists about what they think will happen though.
I'd really like to know how it's possible to count the number of bees there are in Missouri? But, I don't doubt reports I'm seeing about a record number of the little stinger creatures not just in Missouri, but all across America.
You might feel like you can say anything you want on social media since this is a free country because of that free speech thing without any repercussions. Guess again. I found video proof that the FBI can knock on your Missouri door over something you shared on Facebook. It happens all the time.
Most of us that have either grown up and/or live in Missouri have hiked in the Ozarks at some point in our lives. If you decide to take that adventure, you'd be advised to watch out for a legend that claims a sinister little boy awaits you on those remote trails.
I could be delusional, but I believe I'm a pretty tolerant person. It takes a lot to get me angry. That being said, I've had enough of the internet calling our Missouri towns dumb. Enough is enough and I'll explain why they're not only rude, but they're inaccurate.