More than a century ago, in 1911, a Ouachita freshman was falsely accused of trespassing on a farmer’s land across the Ouachita River. Since the university lacked men’s dormitories, the student was served a warrant of arrest on the front porch of his rooming house. Luckily, his Latin professor, Mr. Gaines, dismissed his classes the day of the student’s trial and went to the courthouse to testify on behalf of this student, resulting in the charges being dropped.
A survey of Ouachita faculty and staff’s Christmas traditions
Whether you put up the trees after or prior to Thanksgiving, it is finally Christmas time! The essays are submitted, and finals are finally over – we did it! The time has come for hot chocolate, Christmas lights and celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Douglass family at Garvan Gardens
As I thought about my own family memories and holiday festivities, I wanted to ask Ouachita faculty and staff to share a few of their favorite Christmas traditions. Maybe you will find a new holiday tradition for you and your family!