The Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Department has ordered a probe against Vice-Chancellor of Mhow-based Dr BR Ambedkar University of Social Sciences over allegations of mismanagement and gross irregularities during her tenure.In a .
According to Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Department, an online webinar was organised by Physics Department under Quality Learning Centre activity in Government College Sanwer.
Madhya Pradesh University Exams In June, July, In Open-Book Mode
Exams for undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students in Madhya Pradesh will be held in June and July, in open-book format.
Education | Edited by Bishal Kalita | Updated: May 6, 2021 2:48 pm IST | Source: Careers360
Image credit: Shutterstock
New Delhi:
In view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, exams for undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students in Madhya Pradesh will be held in June and July, in open-book format, the state s Higher Education Department said on May 4.
For UG final year and PG fourth semester students, exams will be held in June 2021, and results will be announced in July, the Higher Education Department said.