BJP s Mohan Yadav on Wednesday took oath as the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh. The two deputy CMs also took the charge officially. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and BJP national president JP Nadda were also present at the ceremony.
Madhya Pradesh CM swearing-in ceremony LIVE: Madhya Pradesh chief minister-designate Mohan Yadav will take oath at 11:30 am today, Prime Minister Narendra Modi likely to attend.
Mohan Yadav took oath as chief minister of Madhya Pradesh on Wednesday at an event attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the chief ministers of BJP-ruled states among others. Yadav, an MLA from Ujjain South, is the state s fourth OBC chief minister.
India News: Mohan Yadav took oath as the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh in Bhopal at the Lal Parade Ground. The event was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Mo