The blood barrier
Volunteers get caste, religion and gender-based
blood donation requests
Hospital staffers and organisers of blood donation drives have been facing a very bizarre situation with people in need of blood requesting blood from
donors with specific caste, religion or gender.
Arun Menon, a coordinator for The
Save Life initiative, an NGO in
East Bengaluru, said that they have been receiving such bizarre requests through messages on WhatsApp. “People make gender-specific requests for blood donation and say that they need only male donors which I refuse immediately as how would the gender of the donor matter. We have female donors too coming forward to donate and people sending out such messages are not right and we don’t entertain any kind of discrimination. A few months ago, we received a request from a family who wanted blood specific to a caste and requested donors from their religion or caste. Not just us, even the doctors have been receiving such reques
“Covid treatment is simple and not like a complex surgery. Basic oxygen support, availability of drugs such as steroids and constant follow up on saturation levels will do (Image used for representational purpose)
BENGALURU: Doctors in North Karnataka districts say they have treated several Covid-positive persons who flew down from Delhi when infections peaked there a few days ago. Amid lack of stringent scrutiny at airports, many of these travellers tampered with the PDFs of their Covid-positive reports or even evaded medical checks, they claim.
A scientist travelled from Delhi to Gadag when he turned Covid positive in mid-April and was treated at a private hospital. The scientist, who works in a central government-run institution, took the flight after he developed breathlessness.