The Enforcement Directorate has arrested two people following raids on the premises of a firm promoted by a Maharashtra MLA for alleged illegal diversion of bank funds in the Rs 4,300-crore PMC Bank fraud and money laundering case, official sources said on Saturday. On Friday, the agency searched five residential and business premises linked to the Viva Group, promoted by Bahujan Vikas Agadhi (BVA) party chief and MLA Hitendra Thakur, its associates and two of its financial consultants in the Vasai-Virar area of Maharashtra s Palghar district and Andheri, Juhu and Chembur suburbs of Mumbai, the sources said. Mehul Thakur, managing director of the Viva Group, and Gopal Chaturvedi, a chartered accountant, were arrested under sections of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) after the raids.
Mumbai: ED arrests 2 after raids against MLA Hitendra Thakur in PMC Bank fraud case - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.
Enforcement Directorate raids premises linked to Maharashtra MLA in PMC bank fraud case
Last Updated: Jan 22, 2021, 04:22 PM IST
According to ED sources, the agency started the searches at three locations linked to Mehul Thakur and two places linked to chartered accountants. Thakur is the owner and director of Viva Homes a part of the Viva group of companies.
An ED source said that the agency had got some links that amounts in crores of Rupees were transferred from the HDIL to the Viva group trust and companies, which is controlled by the family members of Thakur.
: Friday, January 22, 2021, 6:22 PM IST
Maharashtra: ED raids premises of MLA Hitendra Kumar owned Viva group in connection with PMC bank fraud case
Purported fund diversions by the HDIL, an accused company in the case, and by some others to the Viva Group are under the scanner of the agency
File Image
The Enforcement Directorate on Friday raided some premises linked to a Maharashtra MLA in connection with its money laundering probe in the alleged Rs 4,300 crore PMC Bank fraud case, official sources said.
They said at least five premises linked to Viva Group, promoted by Bahujan Vikas Agadhi (BVA) party chief and MLA Hitendra Thakur, are being searched in the Vasai-Virar area of Palghar district adjoining state capital Mumbai.
PMC Bank Fraud Case: ED Again Summons Sanjay Raut s Wife Varsha
Varsha Raut was grilled and her statement recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) by the central probe agency for the first time on January 4. PTI Outlook Web Bureau 2021-01-06T14:56:34+05:30 PMC Bank Fraud Case: ED Again Summons Sanjay Raut s Wife Varsha 2021-01-06T15:43:55+05:30
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Varsha has been called for a second round of questioning on January 11.
Varsha Raut was grilled and her statement recorded under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) by the central probe agency for the first time on January 4 at its office here.