Margaret Ward’s groundbreaking 1983 book on revolutionary women in Ireland, Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism, 1880-1980, was republished in an updated, revised, and richly illustrated new edition by Arlen House in late 2021.
Margaret Ward’s groundbreaking 1983 book on revolutionary women in Ireland, Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism, 1880-1980, was republished in an updated, revised and richly illustrated new edition by Arlen House in late 2021.
SATURDAY sees the return of the annual Féile carnival and the Party in The Park alongside yet another packed day of events. Today’s highlights include: Mindfulness Yoga with NualaFalls Park 9:45am
AMONGST the many historical talks at this year’s Féile an Phobail, two will be exploring the in-depth history of the role Belfast – and volunteers from the city – played in combating Fascism in Spain during the Spanish Civil War.