Mentor Monday is March 8. WKYC Studios aims to recruit 100 mentors on Mentor Monday! Author: Margaret Bernstein, Roselyn Muñiz Published: 1:32 PM EST February 17, 2021 Updated: 11:36 AM EST February 18, 2021
Editor s Note: The above video aired on January 27, 2020
Do you have a college degree? Consider making an impact in a local student’s life, by signing up to be a mentor.
That’s the challenge College Now of Greater Cleveland is issuing to Northeast Ohio professionals as it seeks 850 mentors to help local high school students navigate their way through college.
And WKYC Studios is stepping in to help with the effort. On Monday, March 8, WKYC Studios will present “Mentor Monday,” an all-day recruiting campaign. WKYC’s newscasts will spotlight the College Now of Greater Cleveland mentoring program and offer viewers the chance to sign up to become a mentor. The goal: Recruit 100 mentors on Mentor Monda