same policies we can do it again. the border will be enforced, wages will start to go up again. there will be no more new wars. inflation is going to be tackled. gasoline will be affordable again. and parents will be respected. not insulted. african-americans have the power to save america in 2024. so let s help them. and that s the angle. joining me now is madeline bremen. she is the national crime victim s advocate and ceo of rescue angel and legal commentator. madeline, i want to get your reaction to what i just said because you aren t a political pundit or commentator. you re someone who voted democrat for most of your life. tell us what you are seeing out there. thank you, laura, so much for having me. that was a powerful segment that you just presented. and you summed it up basically,
they are the right steps to not only get our economy moving again but to build a future better than the past. i m not trying to return to the past. i m trying to better the future than we had. laura: madeline, is that what african-americans are seeing that the future is looking really bright with cost of energy and the cost of living and the rising crime and the open border? that s all going to be good for black america? absolutely not. three years ago, the same salary, okay, used to pay all of my bills, all right? i was able to was able to live from paycheck to paycheck. maybe save a few dollars. all right? get my credit, you know, pay off my credit cards. three years later, i m now scraping the bottom of my change jar, all right, to buy a loaf of bread, all right, with the same salary, the same spending habits, and everything. all right? joe biden is lying about the
called uncle sam, big government, whatever you want to call it, the check. this deadbeat dad does not care about your child. this deadbeat dad will push you to abort your child. this deadbeat dad is going to see that you live in the most corrupt and dangerous community possible. this deadbeat dad doesn t put your interest first. it puts the green agenda first. had the lgbtq agenda first. black americans have found, under biden, that their issues are going to the back of the political bus. and more and more black americans realize the deadbeat dad is not the answer for them. laura: madeline, joe biden spoke about the economy today. and, again, they are selling this as the great reawakening of growth and prosperity. this is what he said. bidenomics is just another way of saying restoring the american dream. i m proud of the historic laws my administration has passed.
to chase the ghost of slavery past. and we continue they continue with the narrative to keep us enslaved in our minds with the slavery and oppression and racism. we have been marching for 60-damn years to reach the mountain top. and we have not made it yet. we have the al sharptons of the world who now is going to go and march while the rest at the bottom of the little 60 years he is the only one seemed to made it to the mountain top. laura: horace, this is a powerful message from madeline. i think there are a lot of people across the country who didn t experience the just horrific tragedy that she did, receive the treatment from bragg that she believes she received do you see this as, perhaps, a turning point among some segment
stuff, you don t have to go far, when you are from the hood, all you have to do is step outside your door. but, we continue to give our votes away for nothing in return. so that s one of the primary reasons why i decided to vote for trump in 2020. then i officially changed my party affiliation to conservative. because i have conservative values. i believe in god, nuclear family, and country unapologetically. i was raised with those will have as. but, because i m black, i was told that that s what democrats are supposed to vote. laura: madeline, what s your message now, before we get to horace, what s your message now to joe biden? his point is white supremacy is the biggest threat to the country or black america now. is that the way you see it? absolutely not. the biggest threat to america right now is that they continue to impose on us and we continue