younger because you ve been together for a long time already a very long time it feels like a lifetime but he meant it because we met when we were very young we met that. there was this and there is this mall school on the danish countryside that has a one week summer festival each year people came there for there because they had a huge love for music and we were brought there most of us by our parents and we were playing in two or cursed orchestras during the day and then during the night of throughout the night you were playing to jimmy was it together but this is just the three of us because you have that you have a foreigner in your mitts fredrick how did you how did you find them find the quartet did they find you did you go to this camp you know no i didn t i. the three of us actually studied together in sweden the nordic community is very small and it s like it s natural to go over borders. and there was a good school so so we all went there.
guys actually eat these things because all we all know about danish pastries that s the best in the world really yeah ok but anyway i m going to offer you stuff so so yeah. so while i chew. the first question the danish thing quartet that s quite a name but i read you inherited this name right yeah i think we would never call us that again actually but we were young and and foolish know that and it was it s a generation name that it was first flute quartet in the thirty s where the viola player had a song that also was a field of play or the sunda made a quartet in the fifty s and sixty s that was the danish quarter then the son of this field of play i made another generation of a danish called sit in the eighty s and then this last son he didn t have any string playing so the name was kind of up for grabs and he happened to be our mentor and teacher so we in the in this hunt for a name we had