rather have hillary clinton as president of the united states than donald trump. reporter: even though vladimir putin said publicly he wanted trump to win. translator: yes, i did. yes, i did because he talked about bringing the u.s./russia relationship back to normal. reporter: attention has shifted away from russian collusion. if you look, this is all about russia, russia, russia. they don t talk about russia anymore. because it turned out to be a hoax. russian interference reporter: but mueller made clear interference is still a major concern. russian intelligence officers who are part of the russian military launched a concerted attack on our political system. reporter: jake, those weren t the only false statements the president made today, but those are the most notable ones. our fact check team, including marsha cohen has taken an exhaustive look at this that s on cnn.com. we should note what the president said today is a
morning argued that such a move would betray kurdish allies who have fought alongside american troops in syria and who could find themselves under attack in a military offensive. if you need any more proof that trump made today s decision unilater unilaterally, the washington post writes this. the decision signals a halt to an extended american ground campaign against the islaj state and upends plans across the u.s. government articulated by senior officials as recently as this week. for an ongoing mission to stabilize areas once controlled by the militants. but donald trump disagreed. this morning he tweeted this. we ve defeated isis in syria. my only reason for being there during the trump presidency. the whiplash was best described by josh rogen who writes for the washington post, on a piece entitled trump undermines his entire national security team.
the united states will continue to have a relationship with the kingdom of saudi arabia. they re important partner of ours. we will do that with the kingdom of saudi arabia. that is the commitment the president made today. it s that straight forward. the washington post has responded to the president regarding the killing of its columnist. the paper s publisher and ceo writes quote president trump ps response is a betrayal of long held american values oof respect for human rights and trust in our strategic relationships. he s placed commercial interests abb american interests. in his desire to do business as usual with the crown prince. cia has concluded with high confidence it was conducted by the high prince.
and indeed the state department s duty as well to ensure we adopt policies that further america s national security. so as the president said today, the united states will continue to have a relationship with the kingdom of saudi arabia, they are an important partner of ours. we will do that with the kingdom of saudi arabia, its people. that is the commitment that the president made today. it s that straight forward. by the way, this is a long, historic commitment and one that is absolutely vital to america s national security. we are determined to ensure what we continue to make sure that we take care of the american people in all of the strategic decisions we make about with whom we work from around the world. reporter: one quick follow up and then a question on iran. does the america-first agenda mean putting u.s. business interests ahead of human rights concerns? and on iran, have you considered any specific sanctions to pressure iran to release the american citizens who are held
ensure that we adopt policy that furthers america s national security. so as the president said today, the united states will continue to have a relationship with the kingdom of saudi arabia. they are an important partner of ours. we will do that with the kingdom of saudi arabia, its people. that is the commitment that the president made today. it s that straight forward. by the way, this is a long historic commitment and one that is absolutely vital to america s national security. we are determined to ensure that we continue to make sure that we take care of the american people in all of the strategic decisions we make about with whom we work around the world. one quick follow-up and then a question on iran. so the america first agenda mean putting u.s. business interests ahead of human rights concerns? then on iran, have you considered any specific action, specific sanctions to pressure iran to release the american citizens who are held there?