have some effect. what they count on is their leadership to protect them from political influence. and we saw even at the end of the trump administration, his own political appointees to the justice department, resigning and threatening to resign en-masse if he forced them to follow these false election interference allegations. so what merrick garland is cautious, he is measured to the point of being boring today, what we saw was he was angry and he was defending his agency and his people. john miller, thanks very much next to people taking action on the border. president biden, and the latest some steps you took today. and a man, you ll meet here tonight, million i m sorry veteran. who s made it his new mission to see the problems up close and document them later. de one of evidence and the hunter biden trial, including the defendant s own words played by prosecutors describing his descent into drug addiction hey, mom, how many should i
remove 100% more plaque for a superior clean oral-b brush the pro one reading seven all right. yeah, that s not, good. happened huge things happen happened be there with three, learn more at rnc.com it s a new de one were are shared values us towards a more secure future through august of partnership built upon cutting-edge american, australian, and british technologies will develop state-of-the-art mix junior reshoots that were readings, and build something stronger together security, dickey, peace and prosperity for america and are allies we re going forward and staying forward together cracked windshield schedule would say flight& will come to you to fix it. this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way and she
Discover the remarkable journey of Steve Martin in the upcoming Apple TV documentary, and explore his multifaceted career as a comedian, musician, playwright, novelist, and art collector.