151. the fbi s full statement to us today is posted on our website tonight at maddowblog.com. let me say, i would still welcome the opportunity to speak with anyone from the fbi ever if they would ever be willing to talk about this live on television. so far, i don t have hope that they ever will. especially because this has ended exactly the way they needed it to end. in the meantime, joining us now, senienior reporter. he s been following this case. thank you very much for being with us. you re welcome, rachel. the florida state attorney s office took a long time. months and month s preparing a report on this shooting. it s a long detailed report with some primary documents and photos we never saw before. what did you find most important and interesting about this product? the biggest surprise in this case, and this case is a bizarre case, but the biggest surprise for me today was to learn the focus of this entire
house republicans today also held a press conference on the subject of poverty in which the chairman of the house weighs and means committee said we should stop paying unemployment benefits all together because war on poverty, that s his proposed solution there s lots going on on today s news, that s all before you get to new jersey. and you definitely do want to get to new jersey in today s news, this story that broke wide open today, broke in such a way that it may spike chris christie s hopes of being the republican nominee for president some day. today s news did not come out of the blue, we have covered governor christie s trouble with this story on the show. our website maddowblog.com was the first national media outlet to cover the story extensively
give a speech on poverty tomorrow. house republicans today also held a press conference on the subject of poverty in which the chairman of the house weighs and means committee said we should stop paying unemployment benefits all together because war on poverty, that s his proposed solution there s lots going on on today s news, that s all before you get to new jersey. and you definitely do want to get to new jersey in today s news, this story that broke wide open today, broke in such a way that it may spike chris christie s hopes of being the republican nominee for president some day. today s news did not come out of the blue, we have covered governor christie s trouble with this story on the show. our website maddowblog.com was the first national media outlet
this story on the show. our website maddowblog.com was the first national media outlet to cover the story extensively in print. the show that precedes our, chris hayes show just scored a blockbuster interview with the mayor of fort lee, the mayor of the town who is at the center of this retaliation. it seems from the texts that we got our hands on today that you yourself didn t want to believe it was possible that this was just political punishment for refusing to endorse the governor. if you know me for 30 seconds, you know there s not an ounce of venom in my system, i don t think, and i try to find the best in people, so i automatically might my own instincts automatically dismiss the prospect that this is
enough in terms of the available technology that a lot of things that were happening then were being recorded. not only on audio tape, but in a lot of cases on film as well. for that reason, and because a lot of this stuff is now digitized and available widely online, we are able to not just experience this as history, but also to experience the gravity of that event in a way that we really have not been able to before, if you weren t really there when it happened. there s more available to us now than ever before, including stuff made available just this week. if you want to check out some of these recordings we just referenced here, we ve posted links to everything i ve just played here and more at maddowblog.com.