25th Cowgirl Rendezvous The Cowgirl Cattle Company’s cowgirls had a great evening at the 25th Annual Cowgirl Rendezvous on May 4 in the Madden Community Hall. There were 90-95 Cowgirls plus vend.
Gameplay Updates:
Zone Coverage Improvements:
Tuning to Deep Zone defender logic to focus more on deep threats in their zone and less on shorter routes approaching their zones
Tuning to Deep Zone logic in Cover 1 to react quicker to Deep Over, Post, and any other deep crossing routes.
Updated the facing direction of Deep Zone players so they’ll face the ball rather than just the line of scrimmage, which will help Deep Zone defenders turn in the appropriate direction when covering deep routes.
Tuning to fakeout logic on Inside Release Post Routes (S-Posts). There was significant separation resulting from this release and cut when close to the line of scrimmage. This change prevents defenders getting faked out during this early segment of the route.