SEREMBAN, Sept 12 Malaysia is on track to achieve a top 12 ranking in the Global Competitiveness Index within 10 years as outlined in the Madani Economy: Empowering People.
AUGUST 24 Pivoting the Malaysian economy requires that the MEF define the new high value-high impact growth areas to grow the economy in the short, medium and long-term..
AUGUST 24 Pivoting the Malaysia economy intended in the MEF requires more clarity in understanding the ultimate outcomes of MEF. If we are to take a measure of GDP as the.
AUGUST 24 The Prime Minister’s speech on the Madani Economics Framework (MEF) was much anticipated. Observers have been wondering whether the economic policy under the PMX.
AUGUST 24 There are a number of challenges the MEF have to address. Otherwise, they can become impediments in the MEF journey. The discussion below does not address all the.