The MACsec Engine implements the latest IEEE 802.1AE specification, providing connectionless data integrity, data origin authenticity and confidentiality .
With 5G being deployed for time-sensitive applications, security is becoming an important consideration. At the same time, Open Radio Access Networks (RAN) are gaining more interest from mobile carriers and governments. Yet, Open RAN networks have serious security challenges, especially in the RAN fronthaul where there are strict timing requirements. This paper proposes MACsec as an efficient data link layer security solution that can assist in meeting these challenges.
Why MACsec is a compelling security solution for Deterministic Ethernet networks and how Packaged Intellectual Property solutions can accelerate time-to-market for chip developers
As part of Rambus award-winning silicon Intellectual Property (IP) product portfolio, the EIP-164 is a high-performance MACsec frame processing engine .