The project is being funded by government while Health Resilience Fund, Global Fund, USAid, UNFPA and ICF Macro International have also offered resources.
Macro International Limited reported earnings results for the first quarter ended June 30, 2023. For the first quarter, the company reported revenue was INR 13.71 million compared to INR 0.879 million.
Macro International Limited announce that at its board meeting held on July 15, 2023, the board has accepted and took on records the resignation of Mr. Lakshmi Narasimha Anand Kumar Kanuparthi from.
The White House seems to understand that the favorite solution ofWestern public health elites a "condom airlift" for thecontinent would be a medical and moral disaster. It wasprecisely this approach that was roundly rejected by UgandanPresident Yoweri Museveni. Critics of the Administration's AIDSpolicy for Africa should meditate long and hard on thatalternative.