//]]>// >By John P. Mello Jr.
Mar 9, 2021 4:22 AM PT
Skeptics of giving computers control over high-risk activities like driving cars were given some ammunition last week when researchers at OpenAI discovered their two-month-old machine vision system could be tricked with a pen and paper into misidentifying objects.
The AI laboratory published a paper March 4 that revealed their new system could be fooled into identifying an apple as an iPod by attaching a note to the apple with the word iPod on it.
In another flub, the system also identified a chainsaw as a piggy bank when dollar signs were sprinkled over a photo of the tool.
//]]>// >By John P. Mello Jr.
Mar 9, 2021 4:22 AM PT
Skeptics of giving computers control over high-risk activities like driving cars were given some ammunition last week when researchers at OpenAI discovered their two-month-old machine vision system could be tricked with a pen and paper into misidentifying objects.
The AI laboratory published a paper March 4 that revealed their new system could be fooled into identifying an apple as an iPod by attaching a note to the apple with the word iPod on it.
In another flub, the system also identified a chainsaw as a piggy bank when dollar signs were sprinkled over a photo of the tool.