yes, idid. and i remember it very clearly, and i couldn t understand what it was, what all the fuss was about. there was so much no, says the people in the gallery. there was so much swagger. i mean, iwas i7 and i thought, what? well, i wasn t a big fan of the first one because the first one felt very much like the kind of, oh, yeah, here we go. you know, it s alljingoistic, flag waving and jets and all that sort of stuff. this i went into thinking, oh, you know, the sequel to the film i didn t really want its fantastic. and i went in thinking, 0k, at the very best it will be ok. it s really, really exciting. and one of the things i loved about it was the flying sequences, which many of which are done for real, you know, with cameras on the planes actually flying around. if you see this on a massive screen with a massive sound system, you feel like you are being thrown around. being thrown around at mach io. tom cruise appears not to have aged one day since the originalfilm. i mean, so