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Christmas Dinner
HRC would like to thank MacGregor Hotel & Bar (Nelson and Jill Strand and Staff – April Tait and Allison Reimer) for putting out an amazing Christmas supper yesterday. We served over 80 meals yesterday and collected over $2100 for our North Norfolk Active Transportation plan and trail system.
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We can’t say thank you enough to Nelson and Jill and everyone in our amazing community.
If you would like to make a donation to the trail system please drop cheques or cash or e-transfers to the Municipality of North Norfolk c/o North Norfolk Trail System and a tax receipt will be issued.
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Light up the Holidays
Unfortunately, due to gathering restrictions the MacGregor & District Chamber is unable to hold its annual Santa Claus parade in MacGregor. To spread some holiday cheer, this year the chamber is planning an outdoor holiday decorating challenge. Categories are – best show of outdoor lights, best display of winter beauty and best-decorated business. To register email or send them a Facebook message.
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Winners will receive a $100 gift certificate to spend at a MacGregor Chamber business. Rules and regulations: all participants must register by Dec. 13 to be entered for judging, the contest is for front yards only, all participants must live in MacGregor or in the municipality of North Norfolk.