Apple recently announced the launch of the M2 chipset, and recently the company has stated the products which will be powered by the device. Read to know which are the upcoming products and when is the launch happening.
After the WWDC 2022 event last night, the Cupertino-based tech giant Apple announced a price hike for the previous generation MacBook Air model with an M1 chipset.
Apple has previewed the latest iOS 16, along with iPadOS 16, macOS Ventura, and watchOS 9 and it also confirmed that public betas of these OS will be available in July through the company s testing website. 📲 Apple iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS Ventura & WatchOS 9 Announced; Check Availability Here.
Apple usually discontinues the older Mac models with the launch of the new Mac, but that didn't happen this time. Apple has decided to continue to sell the 2020 MacBook Air alongside the new MacBook Air M2.